Last updated : 19/11/2024
The owner of the website is as follows:
THE COMPANY provides access to a multitude of information and services belonging to THE COMPANY, which assumes responsibility for the use of the website. This responsibility extends to registers that may be needed to access certain services or contents. The user will be responsible for providing truthful and lawful information in these registers. The user undertakes to make appropriate use of the content and services that THE COMPANY offers through its website. THE COMPANY reserves the right to remove all comments and contributions that violate respect for personal dignity, that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, or in any way threaten young people or children, order or public safety or which they believe to be unsuitable for publication due to their irrelevance to the matter. In any case, as the administrator of their website, THE COMPANY will act diligently to take the appropriate measures as soon as it is aware of the acts committed against these Conditions of Use or its Privacy Policy.
Linked websites are not controlled by THE COMPANY and THE COMPANY shall not be held responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked website, or for any change or update to said websites. THE COMPANY is only providing these links for your convenience, and including a link in no implies THE COMPANY’s approval of said website.
THE COMPANY itself, or as assignee, owns all the intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as the items contained therein (by way of illustration, this refers to images, sound, audio, video, software and texts; brands or logos, colour combinations, structure and design, selection of the materials used, computer programs needed for its operation, access and use, etc.). All rights reserved. Pursuant to articles 8 and 32.1, paragraph two, of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of 12 April, by which the consolidated text of the Intellectual Property Law is approved, regularising, clarifying and harmonising the legal provisions in force on the topic, the reproduction, distribution and public communication of all or part of the content of this website on any platform or by any technical means, including the method in which they are provided, for commercial purposes, without the authorisation of THE COMPANY, are expressly forbidden. The user undertakes to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights of ownership.
Todos los contenidos publicados en el sitio web y especialmente los diseños, textos, imágenes, vídeos, gráficos, logos, iconos, botones, así como los nombres comerciales, las marcas o dibujos y cualquier otro signo susceptible de utilización industrial y comercial están sujetos a derechos de propiedad intelectual e industrial de LA EMPRESA. En ningún caso se entenderá que se concede licencia alguna o se efectúa renuncia, transmisión, cesión total o parcial de dichos derechos ni se confiere ningún derecho ni expectativa de derecho, y en especial, de alteración, explotación, reproducción, distribución o comunicación pública sobre dichos contenidos sin la previa autorización expresa de LA EMPRESA.
THE COMPANY shall be liable for any damages that the user may suffer as a result of using the website when such damages are directly attributable to an incorrect action of this entity and it has been proven that it has not complied with the legal and regulatory demands and requirements established. It is the user’s responsibility to adopt all appropriate technical and organizational measures to reasonably control the risks of open internet browsing and to prevent damage to their devices, loss of data and theft of confidential information. THE COMPANY shall not be held liable for damages that may stem from interference, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, breakdowns and/or disconnections to the operational functioning of this website or in users’ devices and computer equipment, for reasons unrelated to THE COMPANY, which prevent or delay the provision of services or the browsing of the website, nor for delays or blockages to usage caused by deficiencies or overloads to the internet or in other systems, nor for the inability to provide the service or to allow access for reasons not attributable to THE COMPANY, due to the user, third parties, or cases of force majeure. THE COMPANY shall not be held liable if it is unaware that the activity or information to which it refers or recommends through its links is illicit or that it damages the property or rights of a third party susceptible to compensation, or if it is aware, it acts diligently to delete or disable the link or the corresponding information
The website uses information security techniques commonly accepted in the industry, including firewalls, access control procedures, secure communications or cryptographic mechanisms, for the purpose of preventing and reducing security incidents regarding data (confidentiality, integrity and availability). For these purposes, the user accepts that the provider obtains data for the corresponding authentication of access control and the provision of services that must be carried out for usage of the website.
Online security is also established through the configuration parameters of the different web browsers, which is why we urge you to check this.
The law that applies to these conditions shall be Spanish law. For any disputes that may arise in connection with these conditions, the parties agree to waive their own jurisdiction and expressly submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the address indicated in the IDENTIFICATION DETAILS.
Occasionally these Conditions of Use may be reviewed for the purpose of updating changes to legislation in force, updating our procedures for collecting and using information, or as a result of new services added or the removal of others. These changes will be valid from the time they are published on the website, which is why it is important that you regularly review these Conditions of Use for the purpose of remaining informed about changes made.